Minniribbie Farm
40 Snapper Hill Rd
South Australia 5607
mob: 0402352368
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Our Pigs
We chose Berkshire pigs because of their superior taste, docile nature and the fact that they don't burn in the sun, unlike white pigs - Berkshire pigs are black with pink skin underneath. They are well suited to free range and the sows make wonderful natural mothers. Pork from our pigs is marbled with good clean fat that breaks down during cooking resulting in a superb flavour and tenderness. Our pork also has a layer of white fat which is essential to its flavour. In today's 'fat concious' climate it's understandable that not everyone wants to eat the fat, in which case simply cut it off after cooking. |
Our pigs grow
slowly at a natural pace, have the freedom to roam outside, and their
food contains no growth promoters or chemical additives. The
piglets stay with their mothers for a full 8 weeks before being weaned,
unlike intensive farming operations where the piglets are often weaned
at only 3 weeks and are raised indoors. Don't be misled by the
term 'Bred Free Range' - this term does not necessarily mean that the
pigs enjoy an outdoor life. If you want to check that our
pork is Genuinely Free Range - come and visit us to see for
yourself! Intensively farmed pork is often dry and tasteless -
unlike our pork which is moist and delicious reflecting our
pigs' diet of milled grain, seasonal fruit and vegetables.